Forever Living Products

Forever Living Products

marți, 30 iunie 2015

Forever Daily - portia ta zilnica de Sanatate

Că  trăim într-o lume a vitezei, ştim cu toţii. Că  stresul este primul pe lista factorilor care caracterizează stilul nostru de viaţă este, din nou, un lucru binecunoscut. Dar ce nu cunoaşte majoritatea este modalitatea  de a ieşi această cursă a lumii moderne. Forever Living Products vine să acorde  o mână de ajutor şi ne oferă soluţia necesară: noul Forever Daily – un supliment alimentar de ultimă generaţie,  special gândit pentru problemele omului modern. Mai multe informaţii despre  acest supliment revoluţionar ne va împărtăşi domnul profesor doctor Gheorghe  Mencinicopschi, Directorul  Ştiinţific al Institutului de Cercetări Alimentare.
In 2002, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) a răsturnat  lumea medicală globală prin publicarea unui articol care încuraja consumul zilnic de vitamine. Un citat din acest articol spunea următoarele: „…Cei mai mulţi oameni nu consumă cantitatea optimă de vitamine prin dietă. În baza dovezilor puternice  asupra eficacităţii obţinute prin testări aleatorii, se pare că este benefic pentru toţi adulţii să consume suplimente de vitamine.” (extras din prezentarea video a produsului)
Din cauza stilului actual de viaţă, multora le este greu să includă în dieta cotidiană alimentele care să le furnizeze necesarul zilnic recomandat de vitamine şi minerale. Mai mult decât atât, organismul nostru este constant„bombardat” de poluare, stres fizic şi mental şi lipsa activităţii fizice. Vitaminele şi mineralele joacă un rol important în creşterea şi dezvoltarea normală a corpului, precum şi asupra metabolismului. La fel şi antioxidanţii, care ajută, totodată, şi la reducerea  efectelor nocive ale radicalilor liberi.
Forever Daily nu ne oferă doar o formulă echilibrată de vitamine şi minerale, ci combină aceste ingrediente esenţiale pentru sănătate cu complexul AOS (amestec pentru susţinere celulară avansată) şi amestecul brevetat FVX20.
Complexul AOS (amestec pentru susţinere celulară avansată)
  • Combinaţie sinergică de vitamine, minerale, aminoacizi şi polizaharide din Aloe vera, special concepută pentru a îmbunătăţi utilizarea de către organism a nutrienţilor esenţiali.
  • Substanţele nutritive din complexul AOS sunt absorbite  mai eficient, iar mineralele ajung exact la sistemele cărora le sunt necesare.
  • Complexul AOS este unic şi datorită efectului dat de combinaţia  dintre aminoacizi şi minerale. Natura a creat aminoacizii îndeajuns de puternici, încât să poată rezista legaţi de minerale când acestea  trec prin tractul digestiv, dar, în acelaşi timp, suficient de mici şi slabi, încât să se poată desprinde de minerale atunci când ajung în anumite  sisteme ale organismului. Toate acestea  sunt posibile deoarece aminoacizii sunt folosiţi de organism pentru  a forma proteinele. Datorită rolului critic pe care îl joacă proteinele în organism, terenul de absorbţie  al aminoacizilor este semnificativ mai mare, ceea ce face ca şi substanţele care sunt legate de aminoacizi să fie mai eficient absorbite. De exemplu, o substanţă minerală legată de un aminoacid este de 4 ori mai bine absorbită decât în forma sa liberă.
  • Înseamnă că particulele ingredientelor sunt atât de mici, încât gradul de absorbţie  creşte exponenţial.
  • Mulţi dintre cei mai puternici antioxidanţi sunt şi cele mai mici ingrediente din Forever Daily.
  • Încapsularea moleculară folosită de Forever Living are la bază un procedeu patentat prin care nutrienţii importanţi  şi greu absorbabili sunt separaţi în molecule individuale, pentru o maximă absorbţie  la nivel celular. Prezenţa moleculelor de Aloe vera creşte în mod semnificativ capacitatea de absorbţie  a nutrienţilor esenţiali. Cercetări recente  au dovedit faptul că aloe sporeşte  biodisponibilitatea nutrienţilor, care sunt în mod natural protejaţi împotriva degradării printr-o capacitate unică de a se lega de polizaharidele din aloe. Oamenii de ştiinţă sunt de părere că toate acestea sunt posibile datorită efectului natural protector pe care îl are Aloe vera împotriva degradării, precum şi capacităţii unice a polizaharidelor din aloe de a lega nutrienţii.
  • Acest procedeu avansat a crescut de până la 18 ori biodisponibilitatea anumitor nutrienţi.

Complexul AOS din compoziţia Forever Daily furnizează antioxidanţi puternici din diferite surse, selectaţi special pentru a combate diferite tipuri de radicali liberi, ce afectează sănătatea celulelor şi, implicit, a întregului organism. Astfel, AOS combină carotenoizi puternici precum luteina, licopenul şi zeaxantina cu beneficiile anti-aging ale coenzimei Q10.

Organismul uman este alcătuit din miliarde de celule. Dacă acestea sunt sănătoase, şi noi suntem. Vitaminele, aminoacizii şi alţi nutrienţi sunt necesari zi de zi pentru mii de reacţii biochimice la nivel celular. „Aprovizionarea” celulelor cu nutrienţi esenţiali susţine producţia de energie şi sănătatea celulară. Pentru a putea vorbi despre nutriţie celulară, trebuie ca substanţele nutritive din alimente şi suplimente să ajungă în celule într-o formă biodisponibilă, pe care organismul s-o recunoască şi s-o poată utiliza. Asiguraţi-vă mereu că suplimentele pe care le consumaţi conţin ingrediente în forme biodisponibile! Este primul pas spre o stare optimă de sănătate şi vitalitate, deoarece sănătatea începe la nivel celular, iar o sănătate optimă a celulelor începe cu o nutriţie celulară de calitate.

FVX20 – amestec brevetat de fructe şi legume
Amestecul brevetat  de 20 de fructe şi legume din compoziţia Forever Daily aduce numeroase beneficii pentru sănătate. Ingredientele au fost supuse procesului de liofilizare (uscare prin îngheţare), pentru a menţine în proporţie de 100% toate substanţele nutritive ale fiecăreia. Această procedură de conservare conferă produsului o notă de vitalitate cu totul deosebită faţă de celelalte produse  de pe piaţă, datorită faptului că matricile alimentare naturale ale acestora nu au fost modificate şi nici spoliate prin procesare, ceea ce echivalează cu păstrarea  întregii energii şi informaţii vitale. Se creează, astfel, o puternică sinergie cu ceilalţi componenţi individuali, fie că sunt vitamine, minerale sau antioxidanţi. De aceea, produsul oferă organismului toată complexitatea structurală şi funcţională a fructelor şi legumelor din care provine, activând, totodată, şi componentele vitaminice, minerale şi antioxidante individuale. Cu alte cuvinte, complexitatea naturală a acestui produs îi conferă şi o înaltă biocompatibilitate cu metabolismele şi fiziologia corpului uman şi, deci, o deosebită activitate funcţională, preventivă şi curativă, precum şi o eficienţă ridicată.
Spanacul, broccoli, coacăzele şi morcovii au, ca multe alte fructe şi legume, proprietatea de a proteja organismul de efectele deteriorării ADN-ului, ce poate provoca multe dezechilibre în corp. Ardeiul roşu, merele şi acerola conţin nutrienţi cu efecte benefice asupra sănătăţii sistemului cardiovascular.
Mangostanul, dovleacul şi ceapa conţin substanţe cu proprietăţi imunostimulatoare.
Multe dintre ingredientele amestecului  FVX20 au proprietăţi antioxidante, protejând organismul de efectele nocive ale stresului oxidativ, şi au făcut obiectul multor studii ştiinţifice ce atestă beneficiile lor asupra bunei funcţionări a sistemelor nervos şi imunitar.
Toate aceste reale beneficii ale produsului rezultă şi din faptul că organismul uman a co-evoluat odată cu alimentele pe care le-a consumat timp de mii de ani, şi nu cu componente izolate ale acestor alimente, fie ele proteine, glucide, lipide, vitamine, enzime, minerale, antioxidanţi etc., care nu pot avea valoarea nutritivă şi informaţională a alimentului integral din care provin. Tocmai această deficienţă este corectată de produsul Forever Daily, care ne oferă nutrienţi izolaţi, dar ulterior integraţi în matrici alimentare naturale complete  şi complexe. De aceea, produsul acţionează în spiritul şi cu uneltele naturii. Iată de unde provine unicitatea acestui supliment alimentar.

miercuri, 24 iunie 2015

Stiu ca iti iubesti copii, de aceea e important sa afli urmatoarea informatie

Stiu ca iti iubesti copii, de aceea consider ca e important sa afli urmatoarea informatie:

Asigura-le copiilor nutrientii de care au nevoie în fiecare zi cu Multivitaminele masticabile Forever Kids®. Aceste multivitamine amuzante si delicioase asigura atât adultilor cat si copiilor mai mari de doi ani un echilibru vital de vitamine, minerale, fier si fitonutrienti care le lipsesc din alimentatie. Fierul este un nou adaos in Forever Kids® extrem de important pentru rolul său în sustinerea sistemului imunitar si dezvoltarea cognitivă. Fierul este un nutrient frecvent deficitar in alimentatia noastra si a copiilor nostri dar un element esential pentru starea generala de sanatate.


I know you love your kids, so I think it's important to know the following information:

Give your kids the nutrients they need each day with Forever Kids® Chewable Multivitamins. These fun and delicious multivitamins provide both adults and growing kids ages two and older with the vital vitamins, minerals, iron and phytonutrients they may be lacking. Iron is a new addition to Forever Kids for its role in immune support and cognitive development. Iron, a commonly deficient nutrient, also supports overall health.

marți, 23 iunie 2015

Are you giving your body the nutrition it needs?

External stress and the demands of life affect virtually everyone in today’s society. Stress depletes critical nutrients and creates a higher demand for specific vitamins and minerals. But in today’s fast-paced, fast-food world, few of us eat the way we should, and our nutritional needs become less of a priority.

In fact, studies show that over 90% of Americans are deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral, and only about 9% of the American population consumes the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Making healthy food choices and getting enough of the right nutrients in our diets might sound overwhelming with so much going on in our busy lives, but it can start with a few simple changes:

Mix it up
Each food has a different nutrient profile and provides different benefits, but most of us eat the same foods each day. To mix it up, try one new food each day.

Add more color
The various nutrients found naturally in foods and are responsible for giving foods their unique colors. The more colors you can add to your diet, the greater the variety of nutrients you will receive.

Increase your activity
The more you move the better you will feel. Exercise improves mood, and it doesn’t have to mean hours at the gym. Start simple: Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the far end of the parking lot when you shop, or walk down the hall at the office to talk to your co-worker instead of calling or instant messaging.

Forever Daily - best multivitamins and minerals product
Forever Daily® provides a balanced formulation of vitamins and minerals combined with natural antioxidants and phytonutrients to help you meet your daily nutritional needs.

Vitamins and minerals are essential to the normal functioning of our bodies. They support growth, vitality and general well being. Almost every system in the body utilizes vitamins and minerals, but the body also needs the antioxidants and phytonutrients that come from fruits and vegetables.

Forever Daily’s proprietary FVX20 fruit and vegetable blend contains fruits and vegetables from all five food color categories, ensuring a variety of vitamins and minerals. By including these whole food sources, Forever Daily® not only provides the essential vitamins, but all the other co-factors and phytonutrients the body needs. Forever Daily® also includes a unique Advanced Cellular Support Blend. This blend includes important nutrients like bioflavonoids and key cellular nutrients like CoQ10 and alphal-lipoic acid that enhance health at the cellular level.

Vitamins combined with all their essential nutrients help your body produce energy more effectively, help fight stress, support immune function and provide the essential nutrients for optimal health.

It is not only critical to get enough of the nutrients your body needs each day, but it is also important that the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients are balanced with each other. Each vitamin and mineral in Forever Daily® is hand selected and placed in balanced amounts to maximize absorption and optimize the synergistic effects of the formula. These effects are further enhanced by ensuring all the important nutrients and phytonutrients are provided through the proprietary FVX20 fruit and vegetable blend and the Advanced Cellular Support Blend.

Forever Daily’s comprehensive nutritional program delivers optimal amounts of important natural phytonutrients, bioflavonoids, cutting-edge antioxidants with molecular technology, and a proprietary blend of fruits and vegetables to ensure your body receives all the essential and semi-essential, micro and macro core nutrients required for ideal health.

Forever Daily® can be used by itself for balanced vitamins and minerals or as part of the Vital5 program for advanced nutrition made simple.
External stress and the demands of life affect virtually everyone in today’s society. Stress depletes critical nutrients and creates a higher demand for specific vitamins and minerals. But in today’s fast-paced, fast-food world, few of us eat the way we should, and our nutritional needs become less of a priority.
In fact, studies show that over 90% of Americans are deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral, and only about 9% of the American population consumes the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
Making healthy food choices and getting enough of the right nutrients in our diets might sound overwhelming with so much going on in our busy lives, but it can start with a few simple changes:
Mix it up
Each food has a different nutrient profile and provides different benefits, but most of us eat the same foods each day. To mix it up, try one new food each day.
Add more color
The various nutrients found naturally in foods and are responsible for giving foods their unique colors. The more colors you can add to your diet, the greater the variety of nutrients you will receive.
Increase your activity
The more you move the better you will feel. Exercise improves mood, and it doesn’t have to mean hours at the gym. Start simple: Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the far end of the parking lot when you shop, or walk down the hall at the office to talk to your co-worker instead of calling or instant messaging.
Forever Daily® provides a balanced formulation of vitamins and minerals combined with natural antioxidants and phytonutrients to help you meet your daily nutritional needs.
Vitamins and minerals are essential to the normal functioning of our bodies. They support growth, vitality and general well being. Almost every system in the body utilizes vitamins and minerals, but the body also needs the antioxidants and phytonutrients that come from fruits and vegetables.
Forever Daily’s proprietary FVX20 fruit and vegetable blend contains fruits and vegetables from all five food color categories, ensuring a variety of vitamins and minerals. By including these whole food sources, Forever Daily® not only provides the essential vitamins, but all the other co-factors and phytonutrients the body needs. Forever Daily® also includes a unique Advanced Cellular Support Blend. This blend includes important nutrients like bioflavonoids and key cellular nutrients like CoQ10 and alphal-lipoic acid that enhance health at the cellular level.
Vitamins combined with all their essential nutrients help your body produce energy more effectively, help fight stress, support immune function and provide the essential nutrients for optimal health.
It is not only critical to get enough of the nutrients your body needs each day, but it is also important that the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients are balanced with each other. Each vitamin and mineral in Forever Daily® is hand selected and placed in balanced amounts to maximize absorption and optimize the synergistic effects of the formula. These effects are further enhanced by ensuring all the important nutrients and phytonutrients are provided through the proprietary FVX20 fruit and vegetable blend and the Advanced Cellular Support Blend.
Forever Daily’s comprehensive nutritional program delivers optimal amounts of important natural phytonutrients, bioflavonoids, cutting-edge antioxidants with molecular technology, and a proprietary blend of fruits and vegetables to ensure your body receives all the essential and semi-essential, micro and macro core nutrients required for ideal health.
Forever Daily® can be used by itself for balanced vitamins and minerals or as part of the Vital5 program for advanced nutrition made simple
- See more at:
External stress and the demands of life affect virtually everyone in today’s society. Stress depletes critical nutrients and creates a higher demand for specific vitamins and minerals. But in today’s fast-paced, fast-food world, few of us eat the way we should, and our nutritional needs become less of a priority.
In fact, studies show that over 90% of Americans are deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral, and only about 9% of the American population consumes the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
Making healthy food choices and getting enough of the right nutrients in our diets might sound overwhelming with so much going on in our busy lives, but it can start with a few simple changes:
Mix it up
Each food has a different nutrient profile and provides different benefits, but most of us eat the same foods each day. To mix it up, try one new food each day.
Add more color
The various nutrients found naturally in foods and are responsible for giving foods their unique colors. The more colors you can add to your diet, the greater the variety of nutrients you will receive.
Increase your activity
The more you move the better you will feel. Exercise improves mood, and it doesn’t have to mean hours at the gym. Start simple: Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the far end of the parking lot when you shop, or walk down the hall at the office to talk to your co-worker instead of calling or instant messaging.
Forever Daily® provides a balanced formulation of vitamins and minerals combined with natural antioxidants and phytonutrients to help you meet your daily nutritional needs.
Vitamins and minerals are essential to the normal functioning of our bodies. They support growth, vitality and general well being. Almost every system in the body utilizes vitamins and minerals, but the body also needs the antioxidants and phytonutrients that come from fruits and vegetables.
Forever Daily’s proprietary FVX20 fruit and vegetable blend contains fruits and vegetables from all five food color categories, ensuring a variety of vitamins and minerals. By including these whole food sources, Forever Daily® not only provides the essential vitamins, but all the other co-factors and phytonutrients the body needs. Forever Daily® also includes a unique Advanced Cellular Support Blend. This blend includes important nutrients like bioflavonoids and key cellular nutrients like CoQ10 and alphal-lipoic acid that enhance health at the cellular level.
Vitamins combined with all their essential nutrients help your body produce energy more effectively, help fight stress, support immune function and provide the essential nutrients for optimal health.
It is not only critical to get enough of the nutrients your body needs each day, but it is also important that the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients are balanced with each other. Each vitamin and mineral in Forever Daily® is hand selected and placed in balanced amounts to maximize absorption and optimize the synergistic effects of the formula. These effects are further enhanced by ensuring all the important nutrients and phytonutrients are provided through the proprietary FVX20 fruit and vegetable blend and the Advanced Cellular Support Blend.
Forever Daily’s comprehensive nutritional program delivers optimal amounts of important natural phytonutrients, bioflavonoids, cutting-edge antioxidants with molecular technology, and a proprietary blend of fruits and vegetables to ensure your body receives all the essential and semi-essential, micro and macro core nutrients required for ideal health.
Forever Daily® can be used by itself for balanced vitamins and minerals or as part of the Vital5 program for advanced nutrition made simple
- See more at:
External stress and the demands of life affect virtually everyone in today’s society. Stress depletes critical nutrients and creates a higher demand for specific vitamins and minerals. But in today’s fast-paced, fast-food world, few of us eat the way we should, and our nutritional needs become less of a priority.
In fact, studies show that over 90% of Americans are deficient in at least one vitamin or mineral, and only about 9% of the American population consumes the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
Making healthy food choices and getting enough of the right nutrients in our diets might sound overwhelming with so much going on in our busy lives, but it can start with a few simple changes:
Mix it up
Each food has a different nutrient profile and provides different benefits, but most of us eat the same foods each day. To mix it up, try one new food each day.
Add more color
The various nutrients found naturally in foods and are responsible for giving foods their unique colors. The more colors you can add to your diet, the greater the variety of nutrients you will receive.
Increase your activity
The more you move the better you will feel. Exercise improves mood, and it doesn’t have to mean hours at the gym. Start simple: Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the far end of the parking lot when you shop, or walk down the hall at the office to talk to your co-worker instead of calling or instant messaging.
Forever Daily® provides a balanced formulation of vitamins and minerals combined with natural antioxidants and phytonutrients to help you meet your daily nutritional needs.
Vitamins and minerals are essential to the normal functioning of our bodies. They support growth, vitality and general well being. Almost every system in the body utilizes vitamins and minerals, but the body also needs the antioxidants and phytonutrients that come from fruits and vegetables.
Forever Daily’s proprietary FVX20 fruit and vegetable blend contains fruits and vegetables from all five food color categories, ensuring a variety of vitamins and minerals. By including these whole food sources, Forever Daily® not only provides the essential vitamins, but all the other co-factors and phytonutrients the body needs. Forever Daily® also includes a unique Advanced Cellular Support Blend. This blend includes important nutrients like bioflavonoids and key cellular nutrients like CoQ10 and alphal-lipoic acid that enhance health at the cellular level.
Vitamins combined with all their essential nutrients help your body produce energy more effectively, help fight stress, support immune function and provide the essential nutrients for optimal health.
It is not only critical to get enough of the nutrients your body needs each day, but it is also important that the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients are balanced with each other. Each vitamin and mineral in Forever Daily® is hand selected and placed in balanced amounts to maximize absorption and optimize the synergistic effects of the formula. These effects are further enhanced by ensuring all the important nutrients and phytonutrients are provided through the proprietary FVX20 fruit and vegetable blend and the Advanced Cellular Support Blend.
Forever Daily’s comprehensive nutritional program delivers optimal amounts of important natural phytonutrients, bioflavonoids, cutting-edge antioxidants with molecular technology, and a proprietary blend of fruits and vegetables to ensure your body receives all the essential and semi-essential, micro and macro core nutrients required for ideal health.
Forever Daily® can be used by itself for balanced vitamins and minerals or as part of the Vital5 program for advanced nutrition made simple.